Emma Llewellyn, BSL Interpreter
What benefits does the SignVideo service bring to the deaf BSL community?
SignVideo offers the Deaf community instant access to services (whether that be Barclays, Sky, BT or their local council) through a qualified BSL interpreter. The benefits of being able to call services, relatives, friends, the travel agents (the list is endless) for Deaf people is a huge step forward in terms of equal access. No pre-booking is required or having to wait for set times of booked support before making a call, which could be as urgent as a GP appointment. Additionally, the service offers independence for its Deaf users via modern technology.
What kinds of people do you speak to?
All kinds! Customers making conference calls, customers having GP appointments via the service, having brief meetings with their hearing peers whilst sat in the same office, booking holidays (always a favourite of mine!), making complaints, calling phone companies, their bank and sometimes their hearing relatives/ friends.
Why did you decide to become a video BSL interpreter?
Technology is forever evolving, as is different methods of interpreting; the company has a great reputation and from seeing SignVideo in action before I worked for the company, I knew it was something I would love to do. The variation in calls, clients and environment is something I thoroughly enjoy. You never know what you are going to get!